Local Financial Aid
Below are some hints about local financial aid for studying in the Universities of the LCT consortium:
At University of Trento
International mobility opportunity at University of Trento
Please note that if you are awarded the Opera scholarship for Trento: the LCT participation fees are not therefore waived. Self-financing students are responsible for paying the LCT participation fees, while the local fee for the University of Trento will be covered for the student as part of the LCT fee. - or please contact directly Dr. Raffaella Bernardi
At University of Malta
- please contact directly Dr. Lonneke van der Plas
- Scholarships: Master by Research and Ph.D. Programmes offered by UM
At University of Lorraine
- CNOUS (Centre national des oeuvres universitaires et sociales) and more specifically this link
- EGIDE (Eiffel scholarship)
- AUF (Agence universitaire de la francophonie)
- French Foreign Office information (in French)
- Specific support for students from French speaking countries
- Campus France grant search engine
- Other information about grants in France
- For more information, please contact the local coordinator, Prof. Miguel Couceiro
At Charles University
At University of Groningen
- The NUFFIC Netherlands Fellowship Programmes
- The Erik Bleumink Fund (aka Talent-grant) of the University of Groningen
- More grants may be available, depending on the country of origin:
RUG grant-finder (select MA and Master programme Language and Communication Technologies) - In the past, EM LCT students have also been successfull in finding a position as teaching assistent or research assistent in the Faculty of Arts.
- For more information, please contact the local coordinator, Dr. Gosse Bouma
At Saarland University (Coordinator)
- DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service
- Socrates-Erasmus Programme at CoLi
- A limited number of research assistant positions in research projects at the University and elsewhere on the campus may be available to students of the LCT Program, who study at Saarland University as one of the hosts. More details.
- lct-info (at) coli.uni-saarland.de
At the University of the Basque Country
Additionally, LCT students sometimes do paid internships as an additional possibility to earn money.